Venue Locations

Youthtown Trust gaming venues are located throughout New Zealand.

Each year the funds they generate assist with positive youth development in their local communities and provide support to many other local organisations. Our policy is to return funds into the communities where those funds have been generated.


Waikato Region
Taupo District:
Pub 'n' Grub 4 Roberts St, Taupo 07 377 0374
Hawkes Bay Region
Napier City:
Kork n Barrel 58 West Quay, Ahuriri, Napier 06 835 6921
Meeanee Hotel 340 Meeanee Rd, Meeanee, Napier. 06 844 9264
Tony's Place Napier 29 Carlyle Street, Napier South, Napier 06 844 0652
Hastings District:
King Street Sports Bar 116 King Street North, Hastings 06 871 0682
Manawatu Region    
Whanganui District:    
Great Kitchen 88 Guyton Street, Whanganui 06 345 9996
Wellington Region    
Porirua City:    
North City Tenpin 35 Kenepuru Drive, Porirua 04 237 4428
West Coast Region
Grey District:
Dunollie Hotel 37 MacDougal Avenue, Dunollie 03 762 7801
Railway Hotel 120 Mawhera Qy, Greymouth 03 768 7023
Canterbury Region
Waimakariri District:
Mandeville Tavern 99 Raven Quay, Kaiapoi 03 302 7058
Christchurch City:
Waimakariri Tavern 1276 Main North Road, Kainga, Christchurch 03 327 8010
Ashburton District:
South Rakaia Hotel 41 Railway Terrace East, Rakaia 03 261 4167
Otago Region
Waitaki District:
The Phoenix Complex  500 Thames Highway, Oamaru 03 982 8200